Congrats to Michael Washington Attorney AND Innovation Engineering® Black Belt

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Attorney AND Innovation Engineering Black Belt Michael Washington

Our team at The Innovation Garage® is thrilled to congratulate Michael Washington on the recent completion and award of his Innovation Engineering Black Belt!

Michael is an advisory board member with us and attorney practicing here in North East, Ohio… AND one of the very first attorney’s to become a certified black belt.We’re certain that he’ll put the learning to great use with his clients and our team.

Michael’s personal mission is to help the legal profession to combine innovation with legal precepts to increase speed and decrease risk in serving their clients.


Reach out to us at [email protected]; contact Michael directly at [email protected] or read this blog post on how it works to learn more.

At The Innovation Garage®…

We help companies become more profitable. We build strategy. We build ideas and coach innovation capability of teams. We design products, services and supply chains. We guide leaders from startup to the Global Fortune 50 to intentionally self-disrupt their offerings and companies. We provide world-class education, tools and technology on how to craft innovation operating systems focused on long-term profitable growth.

Business Innovation, Innovation Education, Legal Innovation, The Innovation Garage
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